Be a rebel, question everything!

This article is a part of the Battery003 issue: Where do great ideas come from? Conformist: a person who conforms to accepted behaviour or established practicesContrarian: a person who opposes or rejects popular opinion Are you a conformist or a contrarian? Compliant or disobedient? Foot soldier or rebel? Nice guy or (slightly) obnoxious? If you… Continue reading Be a rebel, question everything!

Battery002: Smart content, shoppable videos and Bandersnatch!

Have you seen Bandersnatch? Are you a lover or hater? Or kudos for the idea but no cigar? Regardless of what you, I and the audience thinks, Bandersnatch has triggered the industry which is going crazy over creating interactive content according to TechCrunch. Netflix is doubling down with new genres, YouTube, Amazon, Walmart and BBC… Continue reading Battery002: Smart content, shoppable videos and Bandersnatch!

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Interactive film and UX

This article is a part of the Battery002 issue: Smart content, shoppable videos and Bandersnatch! Interactive film and video can be a million things. It could be interactive fiction, documentaries, music videos, games, instructinal videos. All types of videos can be made to benefit of interactivity, if it is done right. Here is a selection… Continue reading Interactive film and UX

The future of voice assistants: a personal digital clone?? Part 2

This article is a part of the Battery001 issue: An issue dedicated to Voice! This is the second part about the voice assistant of the future. If you have not read part 1 then you probably should. Or not, depending where you come from. Anyway here it is! A conversation with my future assistant If… Continue reading The future of voice assistants: a personal digital clone?? Part 2