How to write an amazing interactive film script (while cutting production costs in half)

This article is a part of the Battery002 issue: Smart content, shoppable videos and Bandersnatch! Netflix’ Bandersnatch episode of Black Mirror has made for example Amazon, YouTube, Walmart, BBC bet on interactive content. Netflix are doubling down with more interactive content and I would assume there is a lot of activity behind the scenes. Unfortunately…… Continue reading How to write an amazing interactive film script (while cutting production costs in half)

Interactive film and UX

This article is a part of the Battery002 issue: Smart content, shoppable videos and Bandersnatch! Interactive film and video can be a million things. It could be interactive fiction, documentaries, music videos, games, instructinal videos. All types of videos can be made to benefit of interactivity, if it is done right. Here is a selection… Continue reading Interactive film and UX