Epilogue (?) February 15th 2018 I had the honor to do a presentation for a crowded hall at an event arranged by IdeK. The theme was “Reimagining the museum experience” and I talked about digital and how I think it fits into the world of museums. It was a great opportunity for me to spend some… Continue reading The Museum of the Future, part 1
Month: October 2020
The Museum of the Future, part 2
This is part 2 about the museum of the future. It will probably not make much sense without reading part 1 here. The first part was dedicated to scare you shitless about the challenges of digital transformation. The short version: we have to create a digital presence in a infintely complex and rapidly changing universe, and… Continue reading The Museum of the Future, part 2
Do what I mean, not what I say!
When you say something, how does it actually sound in the other person’s head? We cannot know, right? Sometimes it is a real mystery. Think about politics, you say something completely harmless (ot so you think) and suddenly the party is over. What happened? You cannot ask the other person because what they say seems… Continue reading Do what I mean, not what I say!
Is digital production set up to fail?
I have written a lot about dependencies before and will for sure keep coming back. They are the main reasons for fuck-ups in any project, digital projects included. Late deliveries, approvals, feedback, change orders, are all things that make our work lives a little complicated but it is the dependencies that create the real mess. From… Continue reading Is digital production set up to fail?
Escape Dependency Hell!!
There’s method in the madness As I have already concluded in part I and part II the idea of writing bug free code is ludicrous and utterly laughable so why am I putting myself through this sure path of ridicule and lost credibility? If I can keep your attention for a while longer, then maybe you can be the… Continue reading Escape Dependency Hell!!
Code is for humans, computers don’t care
This is part IV in a series about how to write bug free code. If this is the first encounter, then I recommend to start with part I. In part III I wrote about how to exterminate bugs: Bugs thrive in hiding, under rocks and vegetation.The first step is to remove as many hiding places as we can.Then we gradually reduce the remaining… Continue reading Code is for humans, computers don’t care
It’s the principles, stupid!
As I said in the part I we need to create a rock solid foundation on which to build digital things. And that foundation is made of … principles!We’ll come to why principles are so important shortly. The principles below are not even restricted to development. They might feel too basic and general, but don’t underestimate their… Continue reading It’s the principles, stupid!
How to write bug free code
This is the intro to a WIP series of articles about software development and how to write bug free code. I already know that it is completely impossible and anyone who says otherwise is totally clueless. I accept the challenge 🙂. The biggest question mark is if I can make sense to you, dear reader.… Continue reading How to write bug free code
5 simple steps that will make you a creative genius
I met a friend the other day and told her that I was writing an article about creativity. She is the embodiment of creativity: former dancer, amazing photographer, landscape designer, inventor and more. She knows all about the practical side of creativity. “An article about how to become creative” I clarified. She started laughing. It… Continue reading 5 simple steps that will make you a creative genius
The Museum of the Future, part 3
Welcome back! If that doesn’t make sense, i.e. you have not read part 1 and part 2 of this series then you should probably do so, or if you are a true rebel or love living on the edge, just ignore and read on! In part 2 I humbly suggested a new definition of what a museum is “A museum is… Continue reading The Museum of the Future, part 3